Monday, May 21, 2007

May 2007

The month of May was one I was really looking forward to. I went on a wonderful cruise. A Christian cruise. I went to 16 christian concerts in one week. I was on such a spiritual high. Then on May 11th my brother Mark was killed in a car accident. He was just nine days shy of his 41st birthday. It is not so much that I am sad about his death. Because I know he is in heaven celebrating Jesus. But I am sad that all the things we had to look forward to I will have to face without him. He did not want to have a party for our parents 40th anniversary. He wanted to wait until their 50th. And now he is not here. His son is only eleven. He has not been on his first date. Or graduated from high school. Gone off to college. Or any of the usual teenager things.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

I came across your page via the comment you left on Rocks in My Dryer. I can empathize with your pain & loss. My mother was killed January 11 of this year and she would have turned 40 in May. Needless to say it was a hard month. I'm so sorry for your loss. I've been told that the pain & missing never goes away but changes over time. I'm still waiting for that change and everyday, especially holidays are difficult. I'm glad that you have a close family, I know that has made a world of difference for me. ((Hugs))