Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Man, is it cold outside. I just saw the news and they say Austin and north of San Antonio is getting snow. What? I was just in Fredericksburg a few days ago. There was no snow!

Sometimes I wish I lived in a part of the country that has four seasons. You know. Spring, summer, fall and winter. Here in Southeast Texas we generally have two seasons. Hot and humid, and then there is cool and wet. As of lately we have thrown in the an extra season, hurricane.

I just came back from across the street. I was takeing care of the neighbors dog. I can't blame the dog for not wanting to go outside. So, I stood at the front door and let her take care of her business in the front yard and allowed her right back indoors. I think next time I trek across the tundra, aka the street, I will have on my big heavy robe and some type of head cover. At least something over my ears.

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