Thursday, December 11, 2008

Let it snow......

I woke up around four this morning. I decided to check the weather outside. There were huge snow flakes and snow everwhere on the ground. I immediately got up and dressed for winter. I have been in the arm pit of Texas for 25 years. I have never seen it snow down here. I was absolutely thrilled!

I went outside and ran out to the street and looked around. There were huge snow flakes falling. It looked wonderful. There were huge amounts of snow piled on the tree leaves and the pine tree in my front yard.

Later today I was at the grocery store. I ran into a couple who live across the street from me. The husband said "I saw you this morning." Now I have been under the weather lately but was racking my brain as to when he could have seen me. Then it hit me that he had seen me outside this morning admiring the snow. I immediately said a prayer to God. Thanking Him. I could have ran outside in my night gown and slippers, but thankfully I got up and put jeans, sweatshirt and a coat on.

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